Workshops and Tutorials

Frontiers of Fluid Systems: Milli, Micro and Nano

Noon to 5pm, Sunday, October 30, 2023

Ballroom, B

Lunch from Noon -1pm

Link to Registration

Link to Workshop Schedule

E-mail link to organizers

Workshop in Honor of Wayne Book

HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Professor of Fluid Power and Motion Control

on the occasion of his retirement from the Georgia Institute of Technology

Wayne Book has been a long-time contributor and esteemed colleague in the Dynamic Systems and Control Division. His retirement is a fitting occasion to thank Wayne and celebrate his many accomplishments. Wayne’s most influential research covers robot dynamics, flexible robot control, tactile interfaces, teleoperation via the internet, force-reflecting teleoperation, and most recently an emphasis on fluid power performed with the NSF Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. He has been equally influential in supporting and leading the DSC Division of the ASME. He served as the General Chair of the 1988 American Control Conference, on the Executive Committee of the Division and as the Chairman in 1989, as the DSC delegate to the AACC, as senior technical editor for the Journal of Dynamic, Systems Measurement and Control, and on various DSC honors and awards committees. Professor Book was the recipient of the 2003 DSC Dedicated Service Award and the 2004 DSC Leadership Award. He is a Fellow of ASME and IEEE.

Organizers: Brad Paden, Masayoshi Tomizuka and Kim Stelson

Lead Sponsor: NSF Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power

Student Support Sponsor: ASME Dynamics and Control Division


Keynote Talks:

Design of Tiny Fluid Power Systems

Will Durfee

University of Minnesota and the NSF Center for Compact & Efficient Fluid Power

Traditional hydraulic and pneumatic systems target large, high-force applications. For example, moving the stick of an excavator is an application where the cylinder force can reach 275,000 pounds. Recently there has been interest in applying high power-to-weight and high force-to-weight fluid power actuators in the context of untethered, portable applications that are worn or held by humans. For systems in the 10 to 100 W range and cylinder bores from 1 to 10 mm, it is not entirely clear whether fluid power or electric actuation solutions are optimal for size and weight. This talk will review a systems approach to analyzing actuation systems, will discuss challenges in fabrication and control of novel tiny fluid power systems and will describe research in tiny fluid power at the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, an NSF Engineering Research Center.


“Micro”fluidic Interfaces between the Micro and Nanoscales: Devices that Manipulate at the Biological Scale

Abraham P. Lee

University of California at Irvine

Microfluidic technologies enable the processing and manipulation of volumes at the biological cellular scale (10 um and 10s of picoliters).  This talk will highlight the different microfabrication processes that are being used to develop fluidic devices with microscale dimensions.  First, the unique features of the devices and the limitation of the microfabrication processes for the different applications will be discussed.  A second focus of this talk will be on the microscale phenomena that govern the behavior of microfluidic devices.  The microscale behaviors in our devices are dominated by the Reynolds number (laminar flow), the Capillary number (two-phase fluids), and the Peclet number (dispersion of concentrations).  Specific to my lab, surface and interfacial phenomena that can be utilized for manipulating biological constituents will be introduced.  Finally, opportunities for microfluidic research in cell sorting, point-of-care diagnostics, high throughput genetic analysis, multifunctional particles for theranostics, and the development of 3D vascularized tissues in microfluidic devices will be presented.


Flow Control in Nanofluidics: Basic Physics, Applications, and Opportunities

Sumita Pennathur

University of California, Santa Barbara

Nanoscale fluid devices may provide opportunity in diverse high-technology areas such as actuators, sensors, reactors, data storage systems, thermal management systems, biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Most of these emerging devices rely on electrokinetic mechanisms for fluid transport and analysis, and enable the capability to transport fluids, concentrate biomolecules, affect the transport and separation of mixtures, and detect analytes. When a fluidic channel is scaled down to dimensions comparable to the Debye length (1-100nm), electrostatic interactions govern the environment in such nanofluidic channels, and enable innovative forms of flow control.  In this lecture, the basic physics of electrokinetic nanofluidics, the relevance of flow control, and emerging applications and opportunities for dynamic systems and control in this field will be addressed.
